Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Soooo insanely worried:-(
I am insanely worried about my lost phone.I have looked and looked and i still cant find it i have called everybody i was in contact with the day i lost it. If i don't find it my maw maw and paw paw will think i am not responsible at all and i don't want that to happen so if you guys see or here anything about a white case being found in the church parking lot or in the church itself please give me a call.(@ home cause i lost my cell phone!!!!!) We took Ryan to the doctor today it is his neurologist Dr. huff stutter that is his real name what do you think about that. Ryan is doing fine the doctor said that he couldn't tell us how long Ryan had to live but that hes been well taken care of while hes been here. they upped his doses of seizure meds but other wise he is fine.Mama is sort of sick but she will be coming to church tomorrow so that she can take me to Morgans to look for my cell phone. If you guys want to have a scrap book party give me a call and we can get something planned cause I've been wanting to have one. Well I'm going to get off here and read probably.
Sallie Ann Raines
Sunday, June 22, 2008
you guys are not going to believe this but we had to leave the same day we went. Ryan got home sick so we drove home from charlett @1 oclock last night. We were so tired. We ate the morton steakhouse: the meal consisted of steak asparagus baked potatoes hollinday sause for the asparagus for dessert we had a suflet 3 of thhem and a cappachino that was what joe ordeed me every one else got some thhing different accept joe got got what i got. You guys might think this is a typo but it really costed this much: $620.12 wow i thought i would pass out. the whole weekend altogether was $2000.00 what a weekend right his mouth wasnt as bad as i expected. For all of you who dont know who joe is he is my grandmas sugnifficant other.If anyone has seen a white case that sort of looks like an agenda with a phone holder on the top let me know because i lost my cell phone and i have been worried sick about it. Well i got my first pay check friday and i am so happy.Im going to get off here now and get ready for church tonight ok.
Sallie Ann Raines
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
The new camera!!
Whats up everybody? Casey had asked me in one of her comments about my new camera and im going to share it with you guys ok.It is a Kodak Easy Share Digital Camera with 8.2 mega pixels. It is like a silvery blue color and has a ton of features. Here are a few:
- self portrait
- children
- back light
- sun set
- high ISO
- Flowers
- Manner museum
- fire works
- portrait
- night portrait
- landscape
- night landscape
- sports
- snow
- beach
- text documents
- auto
Thats not the half of it and i am absolutally fasinated with it. Accept for one thing it eats batteries like they were candy. The good Kodak kind and those are expensive.I amgoing to start posting with pictures about my day.Well you guy s my dad is hollering for me so im going to get off of here just thought i would let you guys know about my Camera.
Sallie Ann Raines
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Camp Meeting !!

Whats up everybody? I haven't had enough time to blog @ Camp meeting and i put a note on my blog to let you guys know.I had so much fun the services were a big blessing to me. We had a lot of fun out of services to. All of us girls (me, Morgan, Hannah ,Brittany, and ,Kattie) we are all crazy.The night we all stayed together we didn't get but like 5 hours of sleep all together it was awesome.OOOOOHH and Bro. Methaney makes me laugh. I cant wait till youth camp i will get to drive there.I got a NEW CAMERA TODAY !!! I'm going to show you guys a picture OK:
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Heads up
Sallie Ann Raines.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
what a weekend!!
This weekend has been so good and fun filled. I get to stay @ the vanbuskirks till wednesday. I dont really have a topic to talk about. Accept for my new BLOG!!!!
Sallie Ann Raines
Friday, June 6, 2008
Good morning. My morning has not been so swell. Ill just start with Billy Hill Today was the official summer break first day of watching him. I have babysat him before over night and stuff. I put him in the shower last night and told him to smell better. After he got out I asked him if he had brought a toothbrush and of course he didnt have one so i let him use one of the extras that we have. So then i asked him when he had brushed his teeth last and said it had been to long to remember. So i went through the whole your yeeth will fall out speech.Oh last but not least i cut his finger nails and toenails becuse he could climb mt.everist with them things.This morning he woke up @ 8 and said"Sallie im hungry". Lets wait a little while Bill till about 8:30 I said. "But i dont want to "said Bill.Lay down and hush Billy or go in there with the boys I said.Oh no we woke the beast here he comes Luke bursts through the door "COME ON BILLY YOU CAN PLAY WITH ME IN HERE!!!!!"Well you guys all know that Billy has to have his meds right well once hes up he has to take them so i gt up and it was about 8:15 and i fed him his favorite thing in the world bread and butter. After he ate i gave him his pill andlet hm go on his way.As my daily routine goes on im off to feed the chickens accept for one thing I have to make corn bread for them to eat at 8:30 in the morning. So while the corn bread was baking i went out side to put the baby chickens in the BIG PEN! Daddy came to me last night and ws being all father like and strickt and said that they had to go in the BIG PEN! You know how he is.So as i started to transfer the dibbies to the other pen the big red hen named ruby came rinning twards the hen house door in full charge. I take my foot and try and hold her back from escaping from the house while placing two dibbies in at a time.Then shut the door as fast as possible. But there is allways a gllitch. Ruby and her fat self came over and was pecking the little ones and they sounded like they were screaming. So i shooed all the big chickens into the run and shut the run door. Then iput all the dibbies back into the hen house to let them get used to it and after a few minutes i had to come get the corn bread out of the oven and take them all clean water. Two different bowls of water and a bowl full of cornbred on my way to the chicken coupe. Not to mention dodging rockie who was jumping for the corn bread can you imagine. So every body is in the pen now and no one is hurt and i brought my self in and ate breakfast.CHICKENS ARE A LOT OF FUN DONT YOU THINK?Well what about where i went with gramma yesterday we left at 12 and got back at 8 we went every where :
- doctors office.
- resturaunt.
- car wash.
- wal-mart.
- Big-lots.
- belks.
Finally we came back home and all this time she is driving witha brike foot and and has the walker in the trunk. Which means that i had to take the walker apart before it would fit in the trunk. I had to do that every time we got out at a place that didnt have a wheel chair. What a day.well im going to get off here and do some school work.
Love ,
Sallie Ann Raines
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Almost to pop!!!
Guess what my day is going to consist of? Well First off I have to do school which takes hours. Then i have to take gramma to the doctor and you know she doesn't just need to go thee. She is planning on going to wal-mart and to eat and to the grocery store what next the moon. Today is my last day of freedom. I watch Bill consecutively starting tomorrow. This morning i was going to go fed my chickens and there was three dibbies missing there would have been four if the little one that cant fly yet. He was sitting on the net and had the other big one pinned he was the hero. The other thee were under Rockies watchful nose so wherever Rockie was they were. But they come to me when i call so that was a relief. I listened to that song that bro Casey give me it will make you cry in the right kind of service. Its more of a bro.Scott song i don't know why he give it to me. Its called will you pray by the dubb brothers.I just hope we don't sing it at camp meeting. Fare warning we are going to sing im blessed @camp meeting mama wants to so go ahead and be nervous.Well you guys I'm going to sign out now and go read my e-mails OK!!!
Sallie Ann Raines
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Ready to kill!!
Sallie Ann Raines
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
The lowdown!
here it is the things i hope to accomplish this summer:
- Go to camp meeting.
- babysit billy 5 days a week.
- buy a car.
- redo my room.
- go to carowinds.
- have fun.
We hope to leave for camp meeting the Thursday Ryan has an appointment in ashville.Well just leave from ashville and go on up.I will be babysitting come Friday of this week.Paw Paw is in search of a good car except he goes for the older models like the 80`s I'm not mad about it or anything but i was aiming for a cuter car but i guess your first car isn't supposed to be beautiful.Just so that it runs. Oh there is a criteria it must be a Toyota,Honda,or Mazda no other model according to paw.My room is starting to get boring and it really doesn't match me anymore cause mama and daddy sold my horse why should my room be decorated in them know what i mean.I was hoping to go with some cool colors like brown and turquoise or turquoise and silver.Going to carowinds is a no brainer I'm so excited i had so much fun last time we went. Fun Oh That Comes With Being Me!!!!!well I'm going to get off of here and go fool with the garden a little bit but first I'm going to tidy up my room.
Sallie Ann Raines
Monday, June 2, 2008
Its all in the strategy!
whats up y'all i have had such a hectic day. first i woke up at like 8 and had to clean out the chicken pin the one that the dibbies are in. that was a job transferring the babies from one box to the other. Rockie is always wanting chicken for breakfast and junior is the same way so this is the strategy:grab chicken lift lid on second box scream at Rockie to leave the other ones alone and remove juniors nose from the one in my hand and place in box. I had to do that 6 times. Then i had a suicidal chicken the biggest red laying hen that i own wanted to me the entree for the doggies. After that Luke was not going to hush about going to Carolin's today. he bugged mama to death i wanted to pinch his little head off.Chase had to be @ the school this morning at 9 to take a test to see what grade he would be in next year. Jeff is putting him back in public school next year. he is supposed to be in the 6Th grade but he is in the 4Th grade.poor kid he failed kindergarten twice. So after we picked him up we went to the post office where i had to get out i almost got hit by a bicyclist that would be a story to tell.We saw a blind man walking the streets with a cane today. It warmed my heart if i had a camera i would have taken his picture.Then we went to the bank and to the store.Last but deffinately not least we went to Carolin's about 12 and swam till 20 till five we are all burnt up. No sunscrean so smart right.Now we are home and i am redy fo4r an asilem,.oh not to mention Carolines fridge where we kept our drinks next to the pool outside would electrocute you when you opened the door mama touched it first and she mad ethe funnies noise it was hilarious.well let e get off of here and look for some aloe vera for my face.
Love Sallie Ann Raines