Saturday, December 8, 2007

Saturday The 8th Day of December

I went to the church this morning and the youth worked on the Mission for west Virginia. T brought me home to momma today . Momma was driving the new red jeep it rides good.
I also got on to the website to find the address for a soldier I could send a Christmas card to.
I thought it was a good more day and we have to go back to the grind of normal life how fun does that sound!!!OH I finally got my room picked back up from the traveling I have been doing I ive got to stay home more. My poor little mollie is very lonely I hope to get another horse for christmas then I will have to start staying home!!!Daddy got another deer this morning it was a little bit bigger than the one he got before this one it is a little bit bigger than a great dane.I plan to ride mollie tommorow if it is not to cold BRRRRRR!!!!well guy`s I think I will get off of here now and read my book. love y`all bye.


annamarie41187 said...

It's been a couple of days, girl...keep posting!

KC said...

Sallie Ann...where are ya?? Haven't heard from ya in a while. Time for another post!! Love ya!!

Always Faith said...

you are not updating very often....helllooooo????? are you there? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hey girlie! I just recently realized that you too had begun blogging. You go girl!

Love ya