Wednesday, May 28, 2008

May the 28th !!

Man this year is going by so fast. it seems like yesterday was January. Man it is almost June. Only three months till my b-day.I will be 15 wow. happy birthday to me !!! Well it has rained all day and i mean all day. I am excited about tomorrow i get to go to my maw maws house till Saturday night. she hasn't been off like that in months. me Morgan maw maw and paw paw are going on vacation in September after my b-day so i will get to drive to where ever we are going. well i guess ill get off of here and be constructive some how .
love ,Sallie Ann

1 comment:

KC said...

So where are you going on this vacation?? I just might have to tag along if it's someplace fun!! *grin* Just kidding!! Have fun at your maw maw's!!