Tuesday, June 3, 2008

The lowdown!

here it is the things i hope to accomplish this summer:
  • Go to camp meeting.
  • babysit billy 5 days a week.
  • buy a car.
  • redo my room.
  • go to carowinds.
  • have fun.

We hope to leave for camp meeting the Thursday Ryan has an appointment in ashville.Well just leave from ashville and go on up.I will be babysitting come Friday of this week.Paw Paw is in search of a good car except he goes for the older models like the 80`s I'm not mad about it or anything but i was aiming for a cuter car but i guess your first car isn't supposed to be beautiful.Just so that it runs. Oh there is a criteria it must be a Toyota,Honda,or Mazda no other model according to paw.My room is starting to get boring and it really doesn't match me anymore cause mama and daddy sold my horse why should my room be decorated in them know what i mean.I was hoping to go with some cool colors like brown and turquoise or turquoise and silver.Going to carowinds is a no brainer I'm so excited i had so much fun last time we went. Fun Oh That Comes With Being Me!!!!!well I'm going to get off of here and go fool with the garden a little bit but first I'm going to tidy up my room.


Sallie Ann Raines


KC said...

Hey Sallieann!! I'm so glad you posted again. I keep checking your blog and I love it when I see a new post. I'm sorry you can't come to my house this week. But we'll catch up later. I love ya!!

KC said...

Oh, BTW-I really like the changes you made to your profile.