Monday, July 14, 2008



what a day where do i start. Me momma and Brena went everywhere under the sun today. We left at 9 o clock and got back at like 4 or later.When we got home we had to clean the house cause my aunt Annie is coming over in the morning. Today has been the first time I've texted till my fingers were sore. I'm going to re-paint my room cause the blue is getting old and boring. We might be going swimming over at Carolin's tomorrow. Don't hold your breath you might die. Luke has been bugging momma about so I'm not so sure that she is going to go for it or not. I thought sis. Wendy's song was absolutely gorgeous last night. Well you guys I'm going to get off here and do some more cleaning OK.


Sallie Ann


Mrs. Wendy Pacheco said...

Cleaning is what I have to do tonight since I didn't do any over the weekend. Laundry is running over too, but I like doing laundry and even now with Aydan being bigger he likes to help with the laundry too!!!

Mormie said...

Hey, I hopeyou got to go. I was going to go swimming but I had Logan

Anonymous said...

Don't ya just love running errands? And OH how I would love to go swimming...